Organizations from both the global south and global north have been developing to help LGBTQ+ people who have been impacted by poverty, economic exclusion, and discrimination. Considering I do not have the ability to cover each organization that is improving the lives of LGBTQ+ communities, I have chosen to cover four organizations that are working diligently to provide economic inclusion and opportunity for LGBTQ+ people across Southeast Asia.

The Micro Rainbow Foundation’s Cambodian chapter has the goal of providing equal opportunities to LGBTQ+ Cambodians. Their main focus has been economic empowerment and creating an environment where employees are free from any form of discrimination. The organization has curbed workplace discrimination in Cambodia by offering workshops and events that work to inform LGBTQ+ people about employment opportunities, loans, credit cards, and other financial services that impoverished LGBTQ+ Cambodians may have limited knowledge about.

Suara Kita, located in Indonesia is a non-governmental organization that works towards assisting LGBTQ+ Indonesians to develop employable skills. They host public lectures, share videos, and publish books on an array of topics; however, their main focus is on workplace inclusion for the LGBTQ+ community. Suara Kita partners with other Indonesian organizations to offer workshops to the community that coincides with their mission.

Community Health and Inclusion Association, also known as “CHIAs” is a pro-LGBTQ+ organization located in Laos. Their main goal is to promote equal rights for LGBTQ+ people in all areas of Laos. CHIAs has held events geared towards educating employers on workplace inclusion for LGBTQ+ employees. The organization wants to encourage the LGBTQ+ community and those not in the community to stand up for workplace inclusion regardless of one’s identity.

Babaylanes Inc. is an LGBTQ-focused research center in the Philippines. They are committed to sharing information on LGBTQ+ and human rights issues. The organization works towards increasing LGBTQ+ access to social and economic inclusion and promoting workplace inclusion. Through the use of workshops, Babaylanes has helped employees and companies understand the importance of LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion. They have also aided non-LGBTQ+ employers understand the unique challenges the group faces in the workplace.