Pinkwashing has taken on many definitions in the past depending on the context. However, it always concerns the idea of a company or government showing support for a cause in a disingenuous way. For example, a large corporation may claim to support the LGBTQ community by decorating its product with rainbows. It is deemed Pinkwashing when this corporation does this as a marketing tactic for selfish benefits, such as monetary gain or a progressive reputation. In worse cases, the company is actually harming the community it claims to support by firing LGBT employees. While these companies portray themselves as progressive, many of them actually mistreat their employees in the Global South.
This research brings attention to the negative effects of Pinkwashing in the Global South. While Pinkwashing is most often committed by Global North governments and corporations, one must consider that their actions also have a substantial effect on queer minorities within the Global South, such as Palestinians and Kashmiris. This research will focus on collaborative anti-Pinkwashing efforts led by Global South organizations.
Cover image: A die-in protest against the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s Pinkwashing, as described in this video. It was held by the anarcho-queer group Mashpritzot at the 2013 Tel Aviv Pride Parade.